Monday, February 10, 2020

The Coronavirus and Animal Trafficking

The Coronavirus and Animal Trafficking
By: Sartaj Kaler

Definition: The coronavirus is any group of genetic material (in this case RNA) that results in diseases in humans and/or animals

What is the coronavirus?

Before I begin on it's overall trafficking impacts, I thought I should thoroughly explain what the coronavirus actually is. To start, the original outbreak of this type of virus has it's origins in Wuhan, China (a city of nearly twelve million people). The virus itself is referred to as a novel coronavirus, in essence, meaning it is so freshly discovered it doesn't have a given scientific name. Symptoms of this ailment include, but aren't limited to, the following: cough, fever, and overall respiratory issues. However, what is genuinely intriguing is that many people portray mild symptoms/conditions of the virus and never end up in the hospital. Basically, all the news that's being spread is regarding severe cases only, in these severe cases, a common symptom is severe viral pneumonia. 

Image result for coronavirus

Well, how did it spread? Should I be worried?

To begin, the virus originated in a fish market in the city of Wuhan. It is believed that patient zero may have digested an infected bat, which caused the animal-to-human transfer of the virus. Now, how does it spread? The virus, to our knowledge, only travels from person-to-person contact including bodily fluids and other human excrements. Quite honestly, we aren't 100% certain as to how contagious it is, but, like always, we should take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. At the moment, you, probably anywhere from 16-18, shouldn't worry too much about this illness, since it attacks populations generally over 40. To expand, most of these people have existing conditions that significantly depress their immune systems. Furthermore you have to look at our geography, being in the United States we are surrounded by two oceans to our East and West, meaning the virus is highly unlikely to travel by land. In all, you shouldn't be worried about the coronavirus, however, always remember to properly wash your hands and maintain hygiene, since, as we've learned, no one is invincible.

*****Update!!!! As I was writing this, an article developed claiming pangolins to be the actual/real originator of the coronavirus.

Image result for coronavirus symptoms

What does trafficking have to do with the coronavirus?

Surprisingly, the coronavirus has a lot to do with animal trafficking. Referring back to it's origins, the same Wuhan fish market that the coronavirus is believed to have been started in has one major problem, animal trafficking. Both the believed originators of this illness, pangolins and bats, are highly trafficked in this area due to their Chinese cultural values. The pangolin, an already critically endangered animal, is being sold illegally due to it's significance in traditional Chinese medicine. Now what does this have to do with the coronavirus? The pangolin and bat are both suspected of being the originators of the ailment. If animal trafficking were to simply have been put to a halt by the Chinese government earlier, the current crisis we're having may never have started to begin with.

How can we stop trafficking animals like the pangolin?

The best ways to stop animal traffic is to buy animals from a verified, legal seller. Most of all, the practice is severely inhumane, if we were to apply just a little logic then we would understand not to buy illegal animals as pets or food. In the case of the pangolin, the greatest thing we could is spread the word!!! The most valuable resource we could provide other than our direct aid, is our word of mouth. In today's day and age, spreading things via social media and mouth can quickly and effectively spread information.


1.) Do you have any concerns regarding the coronavirus?
2.) How are you protecting yourself from getting sick?
3.) Do you believe the coronavirus will reach an epidemic or pandemic level?
4.) How do you think we could stop animal trafficking?



Anonymous said...

I have rather many concerns in regards to the coronavirus. Not only does this virus have environmental concerns but also political and social issues. Coronavirus has caused the Chinese government to quarantine the city of Wuhan which also includes Chinese citizens who aren’t affected that ended up getting unfairly isolated. Additionally, social media has used the virus to justify xenophobia against people who look Chinese. I am protecting myself by staying healthy, not sharing water, wearing warmer clothes, be wary of coughers, etc. I believe it will reach epidemic/pandemic level if the Chinese government does not take more effective regulations to contain the disease then there is potentially a possibility the disease may reach those levels. I personally don’ t think I can really impact any limitations on animal trafficking but the government can place regulations and laws that limit animal trafficking and come with a repercussion if not followed. This can be an incentive to decrease trafficking.

Anonymous said...

I have a fair amount of concerns regarding the coronavirus, two of them being the lack of knowledge about the disease and its flu-like symptoms. Furthermore, airports are basically centers of disease transfer, so traveling is not an option until scientists find a way to cure those with the coronavirus. Currently, I am making sure to drink a lot of water, sleep on time, and stay in a clean environment. I believe that the coronavirus can reach an epidemic or pandemic level because the world is so connected in this era. Ways that governments could stop animal trafficking is by establishing heavy protection of all species and paying more attention to illegal activities, such as poaching.

Anonymous said...

I do have concerns regarding the newly named virus, "Covid-19," but they are mild. This is because I don't agree with the drastic projections presented by scientists and researches which predict that several millions will be infected. I feel that these numbers are just extremely precautionary measures taken to keep people maintaining their hygiene, which may not be all that bad. This over-projection seems to arise with every extreme and newfound disease, such as those in years past like ebola. However, I still do believe that the upkeep of one's health and hygiene is extremely important, so I encourage myself as well as others to wash their hands for longer periods of time and more actively. Also, please don't pick your nose in public, it's just nasty.

Anonymous said...

I’m a bit concerned regarding the corona virus. The virus has been spreading so fast to the point it’s almost near us. I’m actually am sick at the moment and it’s not because of the virus, but if I weren’t sick I would most likely avoid touching the bathroom doors with my bare hands and watch for surrounding. I would also keep myself warm. I think it would reach an epidemic/pandemic level if the Chinese government doesn’t look out for it. I personally don’t know how we can stop animal trafficking but an idea is If you're unsure where something like jewelry or clothing comes from, simply ask. Ask the vendor what it's made of, where it's from, and if its country of origin allows its sale. This would kinda help.

Anonymous said...

I don’t really have much concerns surrounding the corona virus because I think the global governments have done a pretty good job recentley in attempting to isolate the virus. The only American death has been an American who got the virus and died in its origin city of Wuhan. They have shut down most or not all transportation to and from china and a couple of surrounding countries like Italy who had a minor outbreak. I think that it definitely could have become a global epidemic but with todays mass media and the governments quick decisions I believe they will be able to isolate the virus and keep it from spreading all throughout the world. I don’t know much about animal trafficking, but I have seen signs at the airport about reporting suspicious activity like smuggling exotic birds. Not only is that illegal and extremely harmful for the bird, but it also could spread deseases from its home country that people from other areas are vulnerable to. I think all I can really do is keep an eye out when in airports, other than that governments will have to have a high punishment as well as regulations for animal trafficking.

Anonymous said...

While I am not concerned about getting the coronavirus personally, I am concerned about the people that have been suffering from the virus and the massive amount of misinformation that is being spread about the virus. I think, as you said, as much social media spreads information, it just as easily spreads false and harmful information that does not help in the slightest. I did not know how the coronavirus relates to animal trafficking, in fact that information surprised me. It shows how interconnected humans and animals are, and can severely affect one another. Animal trafficking needs to be stopped, whether that is through education or more/less laws depends on what could be the most effective in each case. Either way, we must protect ourselves and animals in order for us to thrive.

David Ahn said...

Not until recently have I been concerned with the Coronavirus since it was officially confirmed to be in Texas as of a few days ago and I’m a lot more cautious. I do not really have a strong immune system so I get sick really fast and I take longer to recover compared to other people in terms of health. I’m also concerned of my family members in Korea since it has also spread towards that area. In terms of protecting myself from getting sick I don’t care of my body throughout the day in which causes me to get sick even more than I do. But when I do get sick I try to keep myself restrained from any areas overloaded with chemicals or bacteria that would further worsen my condition.

Anonymous said...

I really don't have any concerns about the Corona virus. At least not for now, it's possible that it will get a lot worse than its been, but until that comes I'm not all that concerned. To be fair, there are people who die from the flu every year and I'm not that concerned about getting that. I also think that the fact that the virus has become a meme means that there is some sort of awareness surrounding it, which will help greatly when it does become a problem since everyone will know what it is and how to steer clear.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty concerned with the coronavirus. The numbers of cases of people with coronavirus are only spreading and it will take at least a year to develop a vaccine. I am protecting myself from getting sick by washing my hands before I eat. Moreover, I am eating more healthy and keeping my distance from sick people. I believe this virus can reach a pandemic/epidemic level. Since the coronavirus has spread from China to the U.S. it has reached some sort of recognition. If humans that exhibit this virus arent carefully monitored it can turn into a pandemic. It is the government's responsibility to prevent animal trafficking. Even if humans protest against animal trafficking, this will do nothing if rules and regulations aren't placed.

Anonymous said...

It’s really sad when life threatening dangers that could’ve been prevented spring up. Animal trafficking is already very wrong and the fact that it has now potentially led to a terrible virus spreading amongst humans is scary. I don’t think about the virus too much but I’ve been taking extra caution to wash my hands regularly because I get sick way more often than a lot of people. Our lack of full understanding about this virus and how to treat it is alarming too. The symptoms are not very unique and can be estilo mistaken as the flu.

Anonymous said...

While I am not worried about contracting the coronavirus, I am worried about other repurcussions of this virus- such as the hit to the Chinese stock market. I protect myself from getting sick by washing my hands regularly and keeping my distance from sick people. There is a possible chance the this might blow into a pandemic level- there are already roughly 2000 deaths reported. I don't personally think I can do anything to stop animal trafficking, but governments can definitely take actions against it.

Anonymous said...

If I’m being honest I’m not too concerned about getting the corona virus myself just because it seems pretty far away and I just don’t know too much about it anyways. But maybe I’m just privileged? I mean it definitely sucks for the people that are suffering with this virus, but I haven’t done anything to keep myself from getting sick. According to the information from this article, it doesn’t seem like the coronavirus will ever reach an epidemic/pandemic level. I think mainly its up to consumers to make sure that 1. They aren’t buying MONKEYS, and 2. They’re only buying animals from trustworthy breeders.

Anonymous said...

I’m not personally concerned with the corona virus because I’ve always been really healthy and I never get sick, and the virus seems so far away that I feel like it could never affect me. I do think that there are many things to worry about since we know so little about the disease and that many uneducated people are using this as an excuse for racism. While I don’t think this virus will reach a pandemic level, it is important not to underestimate it since it is so new.To stop myself and others from getting sick, it is really important to wash my hands and just be a little more cautious. It would be very difficult for me to stop animal trafficking, but I think it is important to raise awareness to it since it is a topic that isn’t discussed as much as others.

Anonymous said...

I am not very concerned with the corona virus because i feel that it will be contained and stopped before it becomes a worldwide issue. I am however going to take further precautions because as of today the Virus has taken 2,000 lives worldwide. This is far less than the flu however so i am going to take the same precautions i take with preventing the flu such as being more careful with what i come in contact with in public. I think to stop animal trafficking the government needs to crack down on shutting down trafficking groups. If these groups are faced with harsh repercussions then others will also stop trafficking due to fear of being caught and prosecuted.

Anonymous said...

When looking at the consequences of the Cornovirus I am not concerned about getting infected, rather I fear the outcome on both our and the Chinese Economy as a majority of the world's products are produced there. In an attempt to prevent becoming sick I tend not to share my food or drinks while washing my hands and using hand sanitizer regularly. In the event that Coronavirus enters public life in Texas, I will take more extreme precautions. I do not think that the coronavirus will reach an epidemic or pandemic level due to our current technology and medical practices that ensure the quarantine of dangerous viruses. Also, the virus can be detected early on, so the likelihood of accidental spreading of contamination is pretty low. I do not believe we can entirely eradicate animal trafficking because there will always be a demand no matter the ethics. However, we can help stop trafficking by educating the people about how it is bad for the environment and carries negative consequences, all in the hope to minimize the demand for these animals.

Anonymous said...

Overall, I don't find myself overly worried about the infection of the corona virus. But that doesn't mean I'm not taking steps to help prevent it spreading to me or others.
Some steps I would take to prevent it's reach is to:
Wear a facemask
Cover my coughs and sneezes
Clean my hands often
Avoid sharing personal household items
Clean all “high-touch” surfaces everyday
Monitoring my symptoms
and Discontinuing further home isolation

With these steps in place I can successfully prevent it's spread to me an on to others.

Anonymous said...

As for right now, I am not very concerned with the corona virus because it has not infected anyone in a dangerous way, in an area near me. Additionally, I think that the virus will be contained and that a treatment will be developed far before it has any direct impact on my life. On the other hand, i am very concerned for the people in Wu Han because the virus has destroyed many of their lives and unless a cure is made, they will continue to suffer.

Anonymous said...

I’m not too concerned with corona virus personally, but I’m very concerned about my cousins in South Korea because they’re closer to China. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention illustrated that washing your hands can prevent the spread of the germ. I doubt that Corona is pandemic, since it’s mostly happening in China. I think government can take actions to stop animal trafficking, such as TSA.

Anonymous said...

My biggest concern with the Coronavirus is it being spread from quarantines. So far, to protect myself, I am following standard procedure for viruses like the flu. I think that if people follow the rules and do their best to listen to experts on the situation, the virus should not reach the level of an epidemic or pandemic. So far the virus does not have as high of a kill rate as the flu. To stop animal trafficking, I think we should all not encourage those that want these illegally killed animals and the government could possible incentivize those that find people who participate in animal trafficking.

Anonymous said...

From what I have seen the threat of coronavirus does not seem to be one that should cause worry. While numbers show a rapid increase in people contaminated with the virus, this is more likely as a result of new, broader, factors to determine whether a person is infected or not. More worrisome is the flu which can rapidly spread through the close quarters of the schools. I just make sure to wash my hands and use hand sanitizer in addition to not putting my fingers in my mouth. It's difficult to say how far the coronavirus will reach but I think that simple precautions can protect the general population and suppress the spread. In terms of Animal trafficking, we need to reduce the demand by educating the populations here and over seas.

Anonymous said...

My biggest concerns for the corona virus are not for myself but for the people and the city of Wuhan in China. The whole city has been quarantined and there are no means of transportation available. To protect myself I am always washing my hands and making sure I have the proper vaccinations. I do not think it will spread at the level of epidemic and especially not pandemic. I think the government should not be allowed to traffic these animals and there should be severe consequences so no one does it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am not too concerned about the Coronavirus because I feel with today’s knowledge and technology the virus will be taken care of. Unfortunately, the virus has killed 2,000 people, and has affected many others . I believe if everyone washes their hands and stays clean, the professionals should be able to take care of it. I feel the Coronavirus won’t reach an epidemic or pandemic level because we are more technologically advanced. We could try to punish the people who are animal trafficking, and maybe they might stop.

Anonymous said...

Contracting the Coronavirus is not a very high ranking fear on my list of concerns. Due to the extensive efforts being made as of right now by various governments to quarantine the corona virus I do not believe that it will reach any larger of a pandemic level than it already has and that the situation will improve. To prevent getting sick in general I try to wash my hands as often as I can and maintain regular hygiene to avoid any illnesses. I feel that if endangered animals were monitored a little heavier in the wild that animal trafficking could be reduced or even erased completely.

Anonymous said...

I believe an effective way to protect yourself from the coronavirus can be as simple as taking safety precautions in crowded places (wear surgical masks, don't make too much physical contact with surroundings, etc.) and taking care of your own body's general health. If we can strengthen our body's immune system over time by taking our vitamins, eating healthy, and exercising, we will be one step closer to protecting ourselves from viruses like this one. Additionally, the emergence of this virus demonstrates that the more humans interfere with wildlife in unbalanced and unregulated ways, such as participating in animal trafficking, the more damage is caused to the environment.

Anonymous said...

My concern with the coronavirus is that there has already been a case in the US. I’m not sure about the details, but I’m concerned if the patient was treated before the virus spread even more. Personally, I try to wash my hands thoroughly after every meal, or after every time I step outside. I do not think the virus will reach an epidemic level because I believe that the media is overreacting to the virus. In fact, the flu has killed more people than the coronavirus. The best way to stop animal trafficking is for the government to implement stricter laws to prevent illegal transport of animals.

Anonymous said...

Usually whenever a new virus breaks out, I tend to be a worry-wart and I have many concerns. I worried when the Ebola virus broke out in Africa and I am now concerned with this new Corona Virus. Especially now that there have been several U.S. cases, I have been taking as many precautions as necessary to prevent myself from getting sick. I can be quite over dramatic at times, unfortunately, and whenever I cough or sneeze (usually due to allergies), I demand that my parents take me to the doctor to see what’s wrong. Since the virus broke out, I have been washing my hands before every meal, whenever I get home from a public place, and before I touch any place on my body such as my face. I have also told my family to take precautions, especially my dad because he travels. Ever since the virus broke out, I have insisted that he drive to all of his destinations. I am afraid that if he gets on an airplane the virus could affect him because it is easy for viruses to spread on airplanes. I think with he technology we have today, we can keep the corona virus to a minimum level. Similar to when Ebola broke out, the United States has the power to come up with many ways to fight off the disease and ensure that it doesn’t spread rapidly. I think we can stop animal trafficking by making it more ware around the world. Before reading this article I had barely even heard of animal trafficking, and I am sure that there are many people just like me who have not heard about it. Just by telling people, we can spread the word and make people more aware. In this day and age we can also use social media to spread the word faster and more efficiently. Many people on social media have already been posting updates to keep people aware and caught up with whats going on. We can do the same thing!

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of concerns regarding the coronavirus. Although it is unlikely that I will contract the disease I am worried about the economic and political impacts. Like any disease, I try to keep washing my hands to stay germ-free and avoid any potential diseases. I think the coronavirus can reach an epidemic level. It is all dependent on how quickly we can come up with a cure for it. Because it originated in China, it has the ability to spread everywhere, Recently we have seen areas around China including Japan suffer from this disease. Over time I believe that this disease has the ability to spread to Europe and even America.

Anonymous said...

I do have concerns about the corona virus. It’s been spreading and it hasn’t shown too many signs of stopping. In order to protect myself I think the only thing I can do is wash my hands more often and do what you do for really any other type of sickness. Avoiding crowded areas such as public transportation and avoiding travel to countries with high amounts of cases of corona virus. In order to stop animal trafficking I think we need to set up international laws or restrictions on movement of animals as well as have international health guidelines.

Anonymous said...

I am very concerned about the corona virus, especially since it has reached the United States. Although I probably will not get it, it is still likely that I could contract other diseases like the flu which are also severe. I think that the only way we can stop this disease is to find a cure or to have stronger quarantines so that we can prevent it from at least spreading. Since this disease has already spread to countries like Japan, and has spread very rapidly, it is highly possible that this disease could spread to the rest of Asia and Europe and in the worst case, America.

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